Sunday, September 27, 2009

You better watch out, the Pope is in town

The Pope was in town this past weekend. There was a three day weekend because Monday was a bank holiday celebrating Saint Vaclev, or King Wenceslas, a king from the 10th century. I think there is something political about the Pope's visit, however I find it incredibly humorous that he's here because apparently 59% of the Czech Republic's population say they are atheist or agnostic. My friend Radek told me that "no one is religious." Yesterday he told me it was silly that the Pope came to the tiny Czech Republic because he only visits big countries, or rather, more important ones....
My friends live a couple blocks from where the Pope was staying and so I walked by a couple times and each time there was roughly 30 people waiting to see him emerge from his posh hotel suite into his waiting armored Audi. A strange juxtaposition with the thousands of people who wait to see him in all of the "big" countries that he visits.
Here is a link to an article that Devon showed me, that perhaps better explains the Pope and his visit:

Because my Czech is non existent other than Dobry Den, I can't really read the news and figure out if his visit was successful or not...

So in a country full of beautiful churches that no one uses for religious purposes, what are they used for? I've heard that they are hired out for weddings and other events that call for a beautiful space, but there is nothing spiritual about the events...

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